When you think of dermaplaning, you likely imagine shaving your face – and that’s it. But this relaxing, non-invasive treatment does so much more than remove fine vellus hair. In fact, it’s recognized as one of the simplest yet most effective cosmetic therapies available. At CAS Medispa in Bloomington, IN, we recommend it for those who want softer skin, a more youthful glow, and even fewer lines – without the downtime required by many other treatments.
What Are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?
We’re going to start with one of the most obvious benefits, and that is the removal of dead skin. The human body is designed to renew itself. One way it does this is by shedding dead, unhealthy skin to make room for fresh, new cells.
But dead skin can and often does build on the face. This can be caused by a number of factors, including a tendency to be naturally dry, living in harsh environmental conditions, and simply aging (skin cell renewal slows with time).
Provides Consistent Exfoliation
If dead cells aren’t promptly removed, they can cause rough, uneven patches and contribute to breakouts. Your best line of defense is regular exfoliation. This should be incorporated as part of your skincare regimen, but the key is balance. You don’t want to exfoliate every day, and you definitely don’t want to use harsh, abrasive products that can irritate tissues.
Even with routine exfoliation, however, dead cells can still accumulate The solution is an occasional boost, such as that provided by dermaplaning. DP deeply and consistently exfoliates your whole face. When the treatment is over, you get to see all the gunk we’ve removed – a highly satisfying bonus that lets you know DP has done its job. And before you leave, we’ll likely apply a soothing serum that seals your results and helps restore your skin’s pH balance.
Removes Peach Fuzz
Everyone, men and women alike, has hair on their face. This perfectly natural occurrence is nothing to be ashamed of. The problem is that vellus hairs, more commonly known as peach fuzz, can have real consequences on your complexion. They trap dirt and prevent skincare products from properly absorbing. These hairs also hide the natural hues of healthy skin, thereby contributing to a dull and tired appearance.
As the DP blade glides over your face, it eliminates these unwanted hairs to reveal the glowing skin underneath. You might think you can achieve the same effects with a razor at home, but this is not the case. Razors can cut, nick, and tear skin. The medical-grade blade we use is sterile and designed for precision. Furthermore, by letting a professional handle this task, you can be assured that skin stays intact and each hair is properly removed.
Rejuvenates Your Appearance
Simply removing peach fuzz can subtract years from your face. Skin looks fresher and sleeker, much like your legs do after shaving or waxing. But the changes to your appearance are more than surface-deep. By removing dead cells, we’re giving fresh skin a chance to rise to the surface. You’ll instantly look more radiant as a result, and many patients leave our office with a rosy, healthy glow.
Keep in mind DP also removes rough patches of skin to improve texture. This will provide that lit-from-within look so many of our patients seek. Dead cells absorb rather than reflect light and contribute to a sallow complexion. Once those cells are gone, your smooth facial surface will once more reflect light so you look more youthful.
Improves Problematic Skin Conditions
DP reduces the total amount of dirt and oil in your pores to help them look smaller. It is unique in that it helps minimize pores without stripping the skin of crucial moisture. Dermaplaning can also:
- Minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Correct hyperpigmentation
- Blur the appearance of broken capillaries
- Even skin tone
By improving cellular turnover, DP promotes new collagen synthesis. Collagen is the building block of healthy skin, helping to keep tissues smooth, tight, and firm. Unfortunately, the body makes less and less of this crucial protein with age. Fine lines and wrinkles can develop in the late 20s or early 30s. But DP makes for a lasting treatment in which collagen production ramps up and remains elevated long after your session is complete.
Allows Skincare Products To Absorb More Fully
Earlier, we mentioned vellus hair acts as a barrier that keeps skincare products on the surface of your skin. Most creams and serums, however, were designed to sink deeper into tissues where real rejuvenation occurs.
After DP, you essentially have a new layer of skin greedy for nutrients. And because all the hair and dead cells have been removed, you can properly nourish that skin to promote longer health. In short, your skincare products will finally work the way they were intended. Many patients also choose to combine DP with another treatment, such as a chemical peel or injectables, for broader results.
Helps Combat Acne
Although DP is not recommended for those with active acne, it is a great way to prevent future breakouts. Even as the scalpel we use gently glides across the surface of your face, it unclogs pores and hair follicles that contribute to pimples. DP can also help to reduce redness and inflammation. And using acne products after treatment will further serve to improve the condition of your skin.
Complements the Appearance of Makeup
If you’ve ever tried to apply makeup on top of vellus hair, you know the results can be less than perfect. Foundation sits on the hair rather than skin and only makes the appearance of peach fuzz more prominent. Once that hair is gone, however, foundation and other products will apply more smoothly. You’ll be able to achieve the airbrushed look you crave – and likely need fewer cosmetics in the process.
Reasons To Have Treatment
DP is a great introduction to cosmetic treatments. It’s completely pain-free and can be completed in under an hour. Most patients even report DP is relaxing. They recline comfortably as we tend to their skincare needs.
Your session will likely begin with a thorough face cleansing. We’ll then pat your skin dry and begin sweeping the scalpel across your face. We keep this device at a 45-degree angle and hold skin taut as we complete each section. The scalpel is designed to skim the contours of your face without pinching, prodding, or poking. You’ll feel nothing more than a light sensation as we move the scalpel gently but firmly in back and forth motions.
Aftercare Is a Breeze
Yes, you read that right. Some cosmetic treatments require lengthy recovery times as skin heals and renews itself. But the easy nature of DP means you can go out in public immediately after treatment without worrying about a red or inflamed face. You’ll have very few aftercare steps, and those we do provide will likely be tailored to your specific needs. For instance, we may recommend you:
- Stay out of direct sunlight for three days
- Avoid extreme heat for three days
- Avoid chlorine for one week
- Skip using scrubs and other exfoliators for one week
- Apply daily serums and moisturizers
- Use sunscreen each day, even when the sky is cloudy
DP Is Safe
Patients of every skin tone and type can undergo this treatment. It’s even safe for those with extremely sensitive skin or rosacea. There is no risk of hyperpigmentation, and it’s a perfect way to rehydrate dry tissues.
Equally important, DP can be performed at any time of year – including in hot and humid weather – without fear of irritating tissues. We do, however, recommend you schedule your appointment a few days before a big event to ensure proper recovery.
Treatment Is Natural
For anyone uncomfortable with the idea of harsh chemicals or unknown ingredients, DP provides one of the most natural treatments available. It’s also one of the simplest, bypassing the need for messy creams, numbing agents, and other topical applications.
Last but not least, DP is predictable. We can successfully remove all of your facial hair without painful threading, waxing, or lasering. And appointments can be scheduled regularly to maintain your results.
An Effective Way To Revitalize Skin
If you’re seeking a way to revitalize your appearance without undergoing an invasive or complicated treatment, dermaplaning may just be for you. It can be performed in under an hour, promotes collagen synthesis, and delivers immediately visible results. The only tool involved is a medical-grade scalpel, and after your session, you can return to your normal daily routine. Schedule your consultation today by contacting CAS Medispa in Bloomington, IN.